A Global Plastics Treaty
Higginson Strategy
challenges. But despite global consensus that plastic is bad for the planet, measures to curb its impact have failed to have the impact intended.
A unified and collaborative approach on a global scale is the only way we will push back against the plastic crisis. A Global
Plastics Treaty could change this by ensuring the world worked together to tackle the impact of plastic across its entire lifecycle.
A Global Plastics Treaty could inspire the world to turn off the plastic tap, but only if it is delivered right. Environmental campaign group A Plastic Planet tasked Higginson Strategy with making this vision a reality.
By building relationships with government officials to see the
UK drive a treaty forward, helping to form the Ocean Plastic
Leadership Network dialogues, and delivering a targeted media approach to apply pressure, Higginson and A Plastic
Planet created a powerful coalition of voices from the worlds of politics, industry, campaigning and academia all calling for a global treaty. As a result, following sustained pressure from Higginson and A Plastic Planet throughout a targeted campaign, on March 2nd, at
UNEA 5.2 in Nairobi, 175 UN members states agreed to a Global Plastic Treaty in a bid to tackle plastic pollution. It is being billed as the biggest climate deal since the 2015 Paris accord.