Better Health - Every Mind Matters

Office for Health Improvement and Disparities

Client: OmniGov at MG OMD

Mental health issues are something that most people experience personally, one way or another throughout their life. It is vitally important that we, as a society, help those suffering overcome the barriers to find support. Combining our understanding of the audience’s behaviour with innovative technology and sophisticated media tactics our Every Mind Matters campaign empowered people who are struggling to take action through the sharing of simple tips. 

Having identified a tendency of those experiencing mental health distress to default to numbing behaviours like binge-watching, we used the power of AV to reach our audience in these very moments; box set buys across C4, Run on Site across Netflix and the biggest launch of Big Brother in 13 years, as well as through custom contextual scene scanning targeting on ITV to tap into emotion-eliciting content. Furthermore, enabled by AI technology we targeted based on subtle linguistic signals suggesting mental distress across Social platforms. Our strategy allowed us to effectively reach our audience in the right context, mindset, and environment, encouraging them to seek the help they need. 

The campaign helped more than 3.3m take action, including 331,354 mind plan completes (11% more vs baseline) and successfully drove engagements with our digital resources (+81% versus last year).