'Donate your words' The Originals & Captain Sir Tom Moore
VCCP and Golin
Agency: Cadbury
Cadbury Dairy Milk (CDM) launched their 'Donate your words' platform in 2019 to draw attention to the issue of loneliness amongst older people. We partnered with Age UK to raise awareness of the 225K older people in the UK that go a whole week without speaking to anyone, encouraging people to 'Donate your words' and have a conversation with an older person.
When the pandemic hit, we quickly saw that older people were becoming more isolated than ever. We felt it was critical to continue our support at a time when older people needed it most. By resetting the narrative and rebranding older people, showing them as the powerful, inspiring individuals they are, we hoped to encourage everyone to do something generous and inspire a little connection.
'The Originals' is a continuation of the 'Donate your words 'campaign and it encourages you to think about an older person in your life and a story they've told you, inspiring you to connect again and perhaps find out even more incredible things. The campaign film is made up of a wonderful collection of fascinating real older people with incredible stories to tell.
To top it off we partnered with long time Cadbury Dairy Milk fan Captain Sir Tom Moore helping encourage the nation to get chatting to older people, because you never know the amazing stories you'll discover.