Fossil to Clean

We Mean Business Coalition

"We’ve seen exponential growth of clean energy solutions, but emissions continue to rise globally because we haven’t dealt with the primary cause of climate change: burning fossil fuels. In response to this and a lack of global leadership on this crucial issue, We Mean Business Coalition launched Fossil to Clean as a science-based, multi-year global campaign to mobilize business and governments for the decisive action needed to transition from fossil fuels to clean solutions. 

With the support of its network of NGO partners, the Coalition produced guidance with clear targets and timelines for businesses, investors and governments to transition from fossil to clean in alignment with climate science. The Coalition and partners also mobilized 200+ companies across a range of sectors, regions and sizes to urge governments attending COP28 in Dubai to reach the first-ever global agreement to phase out fossil fuels and scale clean solutions. The companies joined a chorus of international advocacy from others attending COP28 that ultimately helped secure a historic global agreement that signals the beginning of the end of the fossil fuel era: the UAE Consensus. 

The Fossil to Clean campaign reached policy and business audiences at COP28 through thought leadership, media relations, video, social media, events, advertising and more. Building on the success and impact of the campaign in 2023, We Mean Business Coalition will continue building business and policy support for Fossil to Clean in the lead-up to COP29 (2024) and COP30 (2025)."