High Flying Hounds

Tin Man

Client: Guide Dogs and Virgin Atlantic

It’s fair to say that accessible travel comes with complex challenges. However, post-covid, the nation’s love for travelling has sky-rocketed, so why should certain groups of travellers miss out?

From working with two brands in particular, we understood the importance of making travel accessible. We brought together two of our key clients to start making a difference in this space. 

Virgin Atlantic, a brand which prides itself on a progressive approach to diversity and inclusion, wanted to take a leadership position in making travel more accessible to more people. Whilst Guide Dogs, another long-standing Tin Man client, wanted to showcase its range of services designed to help those with sight loss live the lives they choose. 

It was the perfect pairing. 

Introducing ‘High Flying Hounds’, an industry leading collaboration between Virgin Atlantic (VA) and Guide Dogs, that upskilled VA cabin crew in how to make air travel a more inclusive experience for those with sight loss, using best-in-class bespoke training and resources from Guide Dogs. All the while, delivering masses of coverage and positive reputation building for both brands. 

The results were sky high…

  • 5,400 minutes of Guide Dogs training completed by VA’s people
  • In-depth coverage in 51 media titles with 86% including both Virgin Atlantic and Guide Dogs in the headline
  • A 4pt increase on Virgin Atlantic Google Searches on the day after launch (double the benchmark)
  • A 12pt increase in spontaneous awareness for VA 
  • A third more visits to Guide Dogs’ Sighted Guide web page