Hope After Stroke

Newsfeed PR & Good Broadcast

Newsfeed PR and Good Broadcast were challenged to raise awareness of and engagement with the Stroke Association’s ‘Hope After Stroke’ campaign. Working together, Newsfeed and the Stroke Association commissioned a unique piece of research to create a story which, bravely and boldly, did not speak about the physical impact of a stroke, but instead focused on the wider impact having a stroke has on the survivors' lives. Furthermore, it proved the difference ‘hope’ can make to a survivor’s recovery.

This original approach allowed Stroke Association to be a leading voice leading up to World Stroke Day, approaching the condition from an angle not previously covered within the media.

It was one of the charity's most successful PR campaigns ever, delivering over 430 pieces of media coverage and the highest web traffic the charity has ever seen.

Furthermore, the campaign drove an increase in awareness and engagement, not just with the charity, but the condition more widely. Consumer tracking showed that ‘concern regarding strokes’ amongst the public increased by 6% over the campaign period, whilst there was a 4% increase in consumers saying they were ‘very likely to support’ the Stroke Association during a time of year where the brand traditionally records a pre-Christmas slump.

This converted to a significant increase in donations, increasing the average Christmas gift donation amount by nearly £5 per donation, and securing a total of £364,295 in donations, directly attributable to the campaign, making a valuable difference to many stroke survivors' lives.


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