

Client: Material Focus

"In 2024, Material Focus set out to tackle the monumental issue of electrical waste by changing behaviour and raising awareness. The challenge was to shift entrenched habits around discarding electricals, which has become the fastest-growing waste stream globally, with billions of items being sent to landfill each year.

Our strategy focused on creating a unique brand presenter, HypnoCat, a vibrant and hypnotic feline delivering messages in a charming and disarming way. The campaign successfully surpassed all expectations, leading to a 100x increase in searches for “Recycle Your Electricals” and motivating 1 million more people to always recycle their tech.

HypnoCat - who flooded TV airwaves and went viral on TikTok - became a cultural icon and contributed to a 44% increase in campaign awareness. The behavioural change instigated by HypnoCat prevented 11.3 million electrical items from reaching landfills in just six weeks. The potential impact is immense. Over a lifetime, that’s enough recycled electricals to create 667,000,000 defibrillators. In terms of emissions, it’s the equivalent of taking 3,140,000 cars off the road for a year.

Partnering with Private Island and JOLT Audio, we delivered high production values, enhancing the campaign’s effectiveness despite limited budgets. HypnoCat’s success in changing behaviour - combined with the significant environmental impact - positions the campaign as an original and effective case study for positive change. The data-driven results affirm our claim to inspiring behavioural change, making “Recycle Your Electricals” a standout campaign in raising awareness and addressing the critical issue of reducing electrical waste."