Oblivia Coalmine

Lucky Generals

Client: Make My Money Matter

Shockingly, the fossil fuel industry is powered by ordinary people’s savings (£88bn in British funds alone) but very few know where their money is being invested. Make My Money Matter is a not-for-profit organisation that encourages people to shift their pensions into more ethical, future-facing industries.

Despite our good intentions, most of us are clueless about where our pension money goes. Worse still, we’re not queuing up to find out, because pensions are frankly so dull that we’d rather just pay and forget about it. This campaign set out to cut through the boredom and reach the millions of people who care about the environment but are unwittingly invested in fossil fuels. 

To do this, we had to shock people out of their apathy, so we turned national treasure Olivia Coleman into the disgusting fossil fuel boss Oblivia Coalmine – to thank savers for their support. We were deliberately provocative. After all, nothing gets people's attention like the idea that they've been tricked. But we also used dark humour, so that people were entertained and didn’t feel like they were being lectured to. 

The campaign only broke at the end of November, but within weeks it had generated huge levels of awareness, with over 300 media articles published and 14 Million organic views generated. Within a month, likelihood to shift to a green pension rose sharply from 32% pre, to 48% post. And while it’s still early days, thousands have already visited MMMM to take the first steps.