Open Doors – highlighting the issue of illegal access refusals
Tin Man
Client: Guide Dogs
“That dog can’t come in my taxi” “You and your dog are going to have to get off this bus” Except we’re not just talking about dogs. We’re talking about guide dogs and special assistance dogs and their owners. Real people. Causing humiliation and exclusion for the visually impaired community. This emotionally engaging campaign saw a ‘protest’ photo call of guide dogs and their owners, highlighting the widespread problem and ignorance around illegal access refusals to businesses, restaurants and transport. By seeing the problem and using real life stories to emotionally connect the public with the impact of the issue, we got a mass audience, who aren’t directly affected, to sit up, take notice, care and sign a petition for change. Telling the story emotively delivered a 14% uplift in signatures, a 96% increase in app downloads, a 160% increase in online engagement, a 61% boost in awareness and over 400 pieces of coverage. And what’s more we delivered all this when the media was going wild for the Kwasi Kwarteng and Liz Truss disastrous mini budget and subsequent fall out, showing just how much we struck a chord with the nation.