Porter Novelli
2022 was the year we had to accelerate transformation.We went platinum in 2021 with 25% growth and we knew we had a hard second album to follow in 2022. After a successful ‘first’, the follow-up film or sequel book is always tougher. Energy levels are lower and doubt creeps in. This was the biggest challenge we faced in 2022 - were we just a one hit wonder?We took a massive risk broadening out our proposition and driving purpose into all other aspects of our clients’ businesses. Aside from building expertise around our capabilities of Employee Engagement, Corporate Counsel, Purpose & Impact and Brand Growth, we trebled our strategic services team into an innovative and creative powerhouse. We approached data carefully (‘like a deer’) with clients and moved our teams from ‘we think we know, to we know we know’ when consulting on campaign strength. We brought in a new creative director and studio team focused on visualisation and production.We listened, we actively listened to our team and the market. And we acted. We made tough decisions, we made some bad decisions, but ultimately, we made defining decisions and demonstrated real passion and drive to become one agency team. Our second year, but our first full year of our new agency proposition and we topped the charts, showing a further 15% growth and culminating in a two-year record of 40% growth. We are currently writing the third album