Recover E

Envision Racing

What connects an old phone with the cracked screen, a world-first racing car, and one of the fastest growing environmental issues of our time? The answer is Recover-E, a campaign to increase awareness of the impact of electronic waste and inspire people to help fix it.

According to WHO, annual e-waste production is on track to reach a whopping 75 million tonnes by 2030.

And Envision, the Formula E race team that accelerates general use of electric vehicles and renewable energy, ran their Recover-E campaign to help change this. Along with acclaimed artist and designer Liam Hopkins, Envision created the Recover-E car. It’s the world’s first Formula E car made entirely out of electronic waste like vapes, cables and phones. It was launched at an exclusive press event at the London E-Prix, showcased at COP 28, and featured in TV shows and online content. Recover-E was a purpose-driven 360° PR campaign.

As well as the astonishing car, it involved a global competition – Waste to Race – that invited young people to build their own mini racing cars from e-waste. It also included an engagement programme to inspire and educate school children, and partnerships with key organisations and media outlets. Envision Racing are FIA Formula E World Champions, but with campaigns like Recover-E they’re making sure that environmental causes always come first.

Recover-E reached far and wide, engaging a diverse audience about the growing issues of e-waste, and what we can all do to address it.