Sweat and Tears
Nestle Waters UK
Client: Buxton x Mind
1 in 4 will suffer a mental health condition every year, which is why looking after our physical and mental health is more important than ever. But whilst we know exercise and hydration are good for us, still 8 in 10 Brits aren’t drinking the recommended 2l a day and the everyday impact on our physical and mental health goes unnoticed. In 2023, Buxton and Mind has joined forces on a shared mission to support the nation's Sweat and Tears – actively championing physical and mental health through exercise and hydration.
Buxton Water is on a journey to be a more purpose-led brand, in it for the long term - doing it, not just saying it. Twists and turns are a part of life, just like sweat and tears. We break a sweat when we exercise hard. We cry tears when we go through something deeply emotional. Both play crucial parts in getting us through life’s twists and turns, helping us rise up; mentally and physically. Both are water. The “Sweat & Tears” platform consistently shows how water doesn’t just quench thirsts, it also hydrates minds. We opted for a ""journey"" approach following the training of 3 Buxton runners: Lesley, Sha and Eva through their twists and turns, and their sweat and tears on The Independent website and we increased the visibility of the message during the London Marathon 2023 and with our TV campaign.