The Don't Buy It Stall


Client: mothers2mothers

In sub-Saharan Africa, misinformation about sexual health is rife, young girls are told many myths such as, "if they shower after sex you can't catch HIV" or "urinating after sex can stop you getting pregnant". These harmful myths have been perpetuated by peers, families, churches and even governments for decades. Sadly, it's not surprising there's a new infection every two minutes. mothers2mothers is a community led charity dedicated the sexual health, focusing on preventing HIV as well as empowering women across Africa. And it was time these myths got challenged, head on. So, we went to Ghana's biggest market and set up a stall that sold nothing… but the truth. The Don't Buy It Stall ran for 7 days over Easter, hosted by Mentor Mothers and stocked with dozens of items like #DONTBUYIT shower gel that dispelled the myth about showering after sex and #DONTBUYIT toilet rolls with the message 'Urinating after sex won't stop you getting pregnant'. We got the attention of millions, with TV and radio coverage as well as influencers visiting the stall. And busted myths across Ghana, encouraging over 4k young girls to seek more information.