The Truth, Undressed.
Evoke Mind+Matter
Client: Canesten, Bayer
Canesten’s The Truth Undressed is a ground-breaking campaign, which aims to provide the bare naked facts about vulvas, aiming to show there is no such thing as perfect, or wrong. It is a unique digital campaign, targeting women and people with a vagina, aged 11-24. It’s designed to breakdown the taboos that surround vaginal health, dismiss depictions of ‘perfect’ and sexualised images online and help young women overcome negative feelings towards their body. But to believe it, we also need to see it. We enlisted the expertise of Sophie Mayanne, the photographer behind Mothercare’s award-winning ‘Beautiful, isn’t she?’ campaign, which captured the realities of women’s bodies after childbirth, to provide raw, real-life photographs of vulvas of all shapes, sizes and pubic hair. Our ongoing campaign demystifies intimate health to normalise young women’s bodies by cutting to the uncensored truth about vaginal health.