Win. Don't Bin.


Client: WRAP, Love Food Hate Waste

"The UN SDG 12.3 specifies we must halve global food waste by 2030 for a fair future for people and the planet. In the UK, 70% of all food wasted comes from our homes, and 25% of that comes from cooking, preparing, or serving too much – costing UK households £3.5 billion a year. If we stopped wasting food, 36 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions could be prevented.

Love Food Hate Waste’s annual campaign, Food Waste Action Week, aims to highlight the issue and educate the public on how they can do their bit. In previous years, we focused on the impact of food waste on the planet, through climate change impacts and biodiversity loss. For 2023, we needed a new approach – with the cost-of-living crisis impacting so many people, public attention had shifted. Macro issues like the climate crisis were still important, but priorities were now closer to home and all about making ends meet.

Food Waste Action Week 2023 called on people to use their leftovers to save food, time and money with our positive, simple CTA: Win. Don’t Bin. The campaign drove 48,000+ organic website visits, 9,200 sign-ups for tips to waste less food and reached 8 million people. 61% of them took action – the equivalent to 5m people changing their behaviour."