You-Can't-Put-Us-Down Syndrome
Client: Positive About Down Syndrome
Our objective? To convince parliamentarians to put pen to page with a promise to re-write the protocols used by health practitioners, and give expecting parents a more balanced view of what it means to have Down syndrome. Why? Because the reality of having a child with Down syndrome is a far cry from this bleak portrayal. Together with the charity, Positive About Down Syndrome, we took it upon ourselves to, quite literally, re-write what it means to have Down syndrome with our campaign, You-Can't-Put-Us Down Syndrome. From George Webster, a BAFTA-winning TV presenter and actor with Bring-the-House-Down syndrome, to Millie Prelogar, an influencer and activist with Never-Slowing-Down syndrome, we harnessed the power of words as fuel for change, and showed the UK that there's plenty to be positive about Down syndrome. You-Can't-Put-Us Down Syndrome earned more than 30 million impressions, and the power of words landed us a spot where we needed it the most; at the Houses of Parliament. Here, our campaign secured over 60 pledges from MPs, lords and parliamentarians, as well as gaining the support of Rishi Sunak - just moments after he was appointed as Prime Minister.